Default Browser Extension For Kodular, Thunkable, Appybuilder | Tech Lion
Default Browser Extension For Kodular

Default Browser Extension For Kodular And Any Other App.

Hello friends, I am Sohag Mia. Today I am going to give you an extension through which you can show your software the default browser. All you have to do to download this extension is subscribe to my youtube channel and like a video then you can download this extension.

Extension Details

  • As A Default Browser
  • Custom Web Page
  • lightweight
  • Many More

Extension By Deep Host

This extension made in "Deep Host"

Download Default Browser Extension

All you have to do to download this extension is subscribe to my youtube channel and like a video then you can download this extension.

How to unlock Download Link : Subscribe To Tech Lion & Technical Sohag To Unlock Download button

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Sohag Mia

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